Land: 9 hectares for large-scale solar farm

Mosteiro de Fráguas, Viseu, Portugal
Land: 9 hectares for large-scale solar farm
Anunciante: Particular
Tipo de aluguer: A negociar com o investidor

This land used to be a large vineyard that was recently uprooted, and it sits mostly empty at this moment. The solar exposure is excellent, as it is on a gently slopping south-facing hill. There is a well and plenty of water all around, including the beautiful river Dinha (close, but outside of the property). There are airborne electrical cables on the top part of the property. The property is 14 hectares total, but the most likely area for solar panels is the 9 hectares of the old vineyard. If interested, please email or call +351 933330154



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